Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sarikei New Township

Well, I am busy chasing the Forensic Heroes III drama series since two weeks ago and put aside everything. Damn bad!! I saw the blueprint of Sarikei new township on the Facebook. It was unbelievable but it is true and the shop lots was fully booked as per Sarikeians. I am Sarikeian too as Sarikei @ pineapple town is my hometown.

Truly, I can't believe it when the first time I saw the blueprint. I'm been there for 19 years before I further my studies at Kuching. There's always a blueprint of development but it was empty at last. Sarikei is now belongs to DAP party after the Sarawak Election. Maybe because of this reason, they came out with the development blueprint for Sarikei. Hopefully they implement what they had planned.

Sarikei new township will be located at the right corner of the road. The orange color building is the highest building at Saikei and Sarikeians called it ten-storey building (十层楼).

And they are in the process to destroy the wood houses. The wood houses was belongs to government last times. I hope the plan really works. At least they do it now...^@^


LuPorTi said...

Oh. Haha. I haven't started watch that drama series yet, going to start perhaps. The blueprint of the development is not bad, hope it really will be developed as planned.

@nGeLine said...

Hi Lu,

I love the drama series, hehe. I also hope that the blueprint will develop as planned.