Saturday, February 12, 2011

Prawn Fishing Competition

Last Saturday, my company had organized Prawn Fishing Competition within department. Finance Department had sent three representatives, including me and another two more girls. Emm........we being forced ==" not the volunteers as nobody willing to spend their weekends in front of prawn fishing pond.

The worms had been scissored into two but they still alive, disgusting!! Worms will alive as long as they are in the soil. Worms was used to let the prawn get caught.

Prawn fishing pond.

Our little assistant, my colleagues's child stomach. I am on the half way of my diet planning. My turn was second session, 1.00-2.00 p.m. I am proud of myself as I had caught the prawn. It's really my first and the only prawn that I caught within one hour.

Prawn Fishing Competition ended around 4 p.m. Our group only got three tails of prawn which there was 120g. Congratulations because we were No.4 from the bottom instead of last group.


Unknown said...

Wow,prawn catching competition??Hilton Hotel too cool!!!

Ya,you need to start dieting as your stomach growing fast! Haha..

Anyway,you looked great in pink.

ochikeron said...

Hi AnGeLine,

Can you touch the worms?! yipes!!! I believe it is something that you can get used to after a while, though. haha

Did you eat the prawn thereafter?

@nGeLine said...

Hi Ochi,

I don't dare to touch at first and helped by others. But after we had caught our first prawn, then we able to touch but not directly by hand.

@nGeLine said...

Dear Sister,

I don't think so when I being forced to join the competition. But at least I learnt something new, hehe. There are a lot of knowledges to catch the prawn.

Ya, I start my diet planning now.

Cappuccino said...

haha. my dear jie mei, great to hear from u..

gambate in the diet planning !! ^^